

Effect of interpolation artifacts on perceived stability of nearby sources in a navigable reverberant virtual environment

De Muynke, J., Poirier-Quinot, D., & Katz, B. F. G.

Journal of the Audio Engineering Society, 2024.

Emotional Impact of Source Localization in Music Using Machine Learning and EEG: a proof-of-concept study

Machine learning methods were optimized on spectral EGG features according to four music source positions and valence type in a subject-wise manner, finding that EEG correlates with four source locations, specially when a negative emotional valence is played outside of the listener’s field of view.

De Filippi, E., Schmele, T., Nandi, A., Torres, A. G., & Pereda-Banos, A.

Authorea Preprints.

Listen and Move: Improving GANs Coherency in Agnostic Sound-to-Video Generation

GANs architectural improvements for temporal coherency on generic sound-to-video generation, including triple sound routing, a multiscale dilated RNN, and a novel recurrent and directional video prediction layer.

Redondo, R.

AV4D: Visual Learning of Sounds in Spaces. ICCV Workshop, 2023.

An Objective Evaluation of Hearing AIDS and DNN-Based Binaural Speech Enhancement in Complex Acoustic Scenes

The performance of five high-end commercially available Hearing Aid (HA) devices are compared to DNN-based speech enhancement algorithms in complex acoustic environments, in which the latter outperforms the HA algorithms in terms of noise suppression and objective intelligibility metrics.

Gusó, E., Luberadzka, J., Baig, M., Sayin, U., & Serra, X.

IEEE Workshop on Applications of Signal Processing to Audio and Acoustics (WASPAA) (pp. 1-5), 2023.

ARSI: An Aerial Robot for Sewer Inspection

The Autonomous Robot for Sewer Inspection (ARSI), a robotic system designed to make the work of inspection brigades safer and more efficient.

F. Chataigner, P. Cavestany, M. Soler, C. R.,Jesús Pablo Gonzalez, C. Bosch, J. Gibert, A. Torrente, R. Gomez and D. Serrano.

Advances in Robotics Research: From Lab to Market (pp. 249-274), Springer, 2020.

Selective Style Transfer for Text

This paper explores on two propossed architectures the possibilities of image style transfer applied to text maintaining the original transcriptions.

Gomez, R., Biten, A. F., Gomez, L., Gibert, J., Rusiñol, M., & Karatzas, D.

ArXiv preprint arXiv:1906.01466, 2019.


Full List

A Study on Interpretation of Medieval Vocal Repertoire through Auralisation: An Acoustic Reconstruction of the Great Chapel of the Palais des Papes
De Muynke, J., Ferrando, J., & Katz, B. F. G.
Journal of Sound Studies, 2025.

Audio technology for improving social interaction in extended reality
J. Luberadzka, E. Gusó Muñoz, U. Sayin, and A. Garriga
Front. Virtual Real., Sec. Technologies for VR, Volume 5 - 2024, 23 January 2025

Specularity in NeRFs: A Comparative Study of Ref-NeRF and NRFF
Barreiro, A. and Marí, R. and Redondo, R. and Haro, G. and Bosch, C. and Berga, D.
Image Processing On Line, 2025.

Latent Diffusion Approaches for Conditional Generation of Aerial Imagery: A Study
Marí, R. and Redondo, R.
Image Processing On Line, 2025.

Effect of interpolation artifacts on perceived stability of nearby sources in a navigable reverberant virtual environment
De Muynke, J., Poirier-Quinot, D., & Katz, B. F. G.
Journal of the Audio Engineering Society, 2024.

Whispers of the Past at Notre-Dame: a geo-localised immersive walk through the sonic memory of Notre-Dame de Paris cathedral
Peichert, S., & De Muynke, J.
Résonances Gothiques, Collegium Musicae (2024).

Characterization of Synthetic Lung Nodules in Conditional Latent Diffusion of Chest CT Scans
Marí Molas, R., Subías-Beltrán, P., Pitarch Abaigar, C., Galofré Cardo, M., & Redondo Tejedor, R.
In Artificial Intelligence Research and Development (pp. 44-51). IOS Press.

The Past Has Ears at Notre-Dame: Acoustic digital twins for research and narration.
Katz, B.F.G., Cros C., Peichert, S., De Muynke, J.
Digital Applications in Archaeology and Cultural Heritage, 2024.

Emotional Impact of Source Localization in Music Using Machine Learning and EEG: a proof-of-concept study
De Filippi, E., Schmele, T., Nandi, A., Torres, A. G., & Pereda-Banos, A.
Authorea Preprints.

Emulating Vector Base Amplitude Panning Using Panningtable Synthesis
Schmele, T., & Reppel, N.
In Audio Engineering Society Convention 155. Audio Engineering Society, 2023.

Comparison of synthesized Virtual Sound Environments with validated Hearing Aid experiments
Sayin Saraç, U.
In Audio Engineering Society Convention 155. Audio Engineering Society, 2023.

Listen and Move: Improving GANs Coherency in Agnostic Sound-to-Video Generation
Redondo, R.
AV4D: Visual Learning of Sounds in Spaces. ICCV Workshop, 2023.

Creating navigable auralisations using RIR convolution: Impact of grid density and panning method on perceived source stability
De Muynke, J., Poirier-Quinot, D., & Katz, B. F. G.
Proceedings of the AES Conference on Spatial and Immersive Audio, 2023.

An Objective Evaluation of Hearing AIDS and DNN-Based Binaural Speech Enhancement in Complex Acoustic Scenes
Gusó, E., Luberadzka, J., Baig, M., Sayin, U., & Serra, X.
IEEE Workshop on Applications of Signal Processing to Audio and Acoustics (WASPAA) (pp. 1-5), 2023.

Sound spectrum modulation generated by circularly moving sound sources
Schmele, T., & Garriga, A.
Audio Engineering Society Convention 154, 2023.

Spatial Matrix Synthesis
Schmele, T., & Garriga, A.
Journal of the Audio Engineering Society, 2023.

Comparisons between VBAP and WFS using Spatial Sound Synthesis
Schmele, T., & Lopez, J. J.
In Audio Engineering Society Convention 153. Audio Engineering Society, 2022.

Use of synthesized higher order ambisonics impulse responses to generate virtual sound environments for hearing aids research
Sayin Sarac, U.
Journal of Hearing Science, 12(1), 2022.

On loss functions and evaluation metrics for music source separation.
Gusó, E., Pons, J., Pascual, S., & Serrà, J.
In ICASSP 2022-2022 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (pp. 306-310).

Preliminary analysis of vocal ensemble performances in real-time historical auralizations of the Palais des Papes
De Muynke, J., Eley, N., Ferrando, J., & Katz, B. F. G.
Proceedings of the 2nd Symposium; The Acoustics of Ancient Theaters, 6-8 July 2022, Verona, Italy

Spatially Oriented Format for Acoustics 2.1: Introduction and Recent Advances
Majdak, P., Zotter, F., Brinkmann, F., De Muynke, J., Mihocic, M., & Noisternig, M.
Journal of the Audio Engineering Society, vol. 70, no 7/8, pp. 565–584, 2022.

Ears of the past, an inquiry into the sonic memory of the acoustics of Notre-Dame before the fire of 2019
De Muynke, J., Baltazar, M., Monferran, M., Voisenat, C., & Katz, B. F. G.
Journal of Cultural Heritage, vol. 56, pp. 130–137, 2022.

Exploring Hate Speech Detection in Multimodal Publications
Gomez, R., Gibert, J., Gomez, L., & Karatzas, D.
arXiv preprint arXiv:1910.03814, 2020.

ARSI: An Aerial Robot for Sewer Inspection
F. Chataigner, P. Cavestany, M. Soler, C. R.,Jesús Pablo Gonzalez, C. Bosch, J. Gibert, A. Torrente, R. Gomez and D. Serrano.
Advances in Robotics Research: From Lab to Market (pp. 249-274), Springer, 2020.

Artificial Intelligence in the Media and Creative Industries
G. Amato, M. Behrmann, F. Bimbot, B. Caramiaux, F. Falchi, A. Garcia, J. Geurts, J. Gibert, G. Gravier, H. Holken, H. Koenitz, S. Lefebvre, A. Liutkus, F. Lotte, A. Perkis, R. Redondo, E. Turrin, T. Viéville, E. Vincent.
New European Media (NEM), White paper, April 2019.

Analysis of spherical isotropic noise fields with an A-Format tetrahedral microphone
Perez-Lopez, A., & Stefanakis, N.
The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 146(4), EL329-EL334, 2019.

A hybrid parametric-deep learning approach for sound event localization and detection
Pérez-López, A., Fonseca, E., & Serra, X.
ArXiv preprint arXiv:1908.10133, 2019.

Self-Supervised Learning from Web Data for Multimodal Retrieval
Gomez, R., Gomez, L., Gibert, J., & Karatzas, D.
Multimodal Scene Understanding (pp. 279-306). Academic Press, 2019.

Controllable Image-Based Transfer of Flow Phenomena
Bosch, C., & Patow, G.
Computer Graphics Forum (Vol. 38, No. 1, pp. 274-285), Feb 2019.

Selective Style Transfer for Text
Gomez, R., Biten, A. F., Gomez, L., Gibert, J., Rusiñol, M., & Karatzas, D.
ArXiv preprint arXiv:1906.01466, 2019.

Controlling the apparent sourcesize in ambisonics using decorrelation filters
Schmele, T., & Sayin, U.
AES International Conference on Spatial Reproduction-Aesthetics and Science. Audio Engineering Society, 2018.

Psychophysiological Methods for Quality of Experience Research in Virtual Reality Systems and Applications
M. Barreda-Ángeles, R. Redondo-Tejedor, A. Pereda-Baños.
MMTC Communications - Frontiers (IEEE), Vol. 13, No. 1, January 2018.

Learning from #Barcelona Instagram data what Locals and Tourists post about its Neighbourhoods
Gomez, R., Gomez, L., Gibert, J., & Karatzas, D.
Proceedings of the European Conference on Computer Vision (ECCV), 2018.

Urban weathering: Interactive rendering of polluted cities
Muñoz-Pandiella, I., Bosch, C., Mérillou, N., Patow, G., Mérillou, S., & Pueyo, X.
IEEE transactions on visualization and computer graphics, 24(12), 3239-3252, 2018.

Sound-Space Choreography
Erruz, G., & Schmele, T.
Audio Engineering Society Conference: 2018 AES International Conference on Spatial Reproduction-Aesthetics and Science. Audio Engineering Society. July 2018.

Learning to learn from web data through deep semantic embeddings
Gomez, R., Gomez, L., Gibert, J., & Karatzas, D.
Proceedings of the European Conference on Computer Vision (ECCV), 2018.

Ambiscaper: A Tool for Automatic Generation and Annotation of Reverberant Ambisonics Sound Scenes
Perez-Lopez, A.
16th IEEE International Workshop on Acoustic Signal Enhancement (IWAENC) (pp. 1-9), September 2018.

Controlling the apparent sourcesize in ambisonics using decorrelation filters
Schmele, T., & Sayin, U.
AES International Conference on Spatial Reproduction-Aesthetics and Science, Audio Engineering Society Conference, July 2018.

Ambisonics Directional Room Impulse Response as a new Convention of the Spatially Oriented Format for Acoustics
Pérez-López, A., & De Muynke, J.
AES 144th Convention, May 2018.

Tools for the production of spatial audio within BINCI
Kruh-Elendt, A., Fiebig, A., Sottek, R., & De Muynke, J.
DAGA 2018.

Seamless 3D interaction of virtual and real objects in professional virtual studios
Hach, T., Arias, P., Bosch, C., Montesa, J., & Gascó, P.
SMPTE Motion Imaging Journal, 126(1), 43-56, 2017.

Binaural tools for 3D audio production at home
Garriga, A., Fuenmayor, M. E., & Caballero, M.
Proc. NEM Summit, 2017.

Towards Semi-Automatic Scaling Detection on Flat Stones
Muñoz-Pandiella, I., Akoglu, K., Bosch, C., & Rushmeier, H. E.
GHC (pp. 49-58), September 2017.

Real‐Time Solar Exposure Simulation in Complex Cities
Muñoz‐Pandiella, I., Bosch, C., Mérillou, N., Pueyo, X., & Mérillou, S.
Computer Graphics Forum (Vol. 36, No. 8, pp. 554-566), December 2017.